New in version 1.1: three new variables are provided now: lengths, maxlength and minlength

Reporting variables

This section describes all the variables implemented in the reporting tools in the package IPCReport. When using the script variables are specified with the directive --variable. However, there is a convenient shortcut to specify them as well --vvar where var shall be substituted by the corresponding variable.

There are two types of variables: raw and elaborated

Raw variables

Raw variables are those that read values directly from the terminal directories of the results directory —or, alternatively, from the summary that encompasses the same observation. For example, section shows all the files generated after running the sequential optimal planner bjolp with the first problem of the floortile domain. Information that can be directly retrieved by parsing the contents of these files is known as being raw.

In particular, the raw variables currently acknowledged by (see are listed below:

Raw variables
logfile vallogfile track
subtrack planner domain
problem timeout membound
runtime memend memmax
numsols valnumsols oknumsols
timesols oktimesols timelabels
memlabels timefirstsol timelastsol
oktimefirstsol oktimelastsol solved
oksolved plansoln okplansoln
values uppervalue lowervalue
lengths maxlength minlength

Name of the logfile generated by when running the planner on the selected problem


Name of the logfile generated by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL when validating the results of a particular directory


Track this case belongs to


Subtrack this case belongs to


Name of the planner used in this particular experiment


Name of the domain used in this particular experiment


Problem identifier (a number in the range 000 .. 999) of this particular case


Timeout (in seconds) given to when making this experiment in the directive --time


Memory limit (in bytes) given to when making this experiment in the directive --memory


Overall run time (in seconds) used by the planner for solving this particular problem. If the process started a number of threads and/or processes, this variable records the sum of all of them.


Memory used by the planner (in bytes) at the end of the planning process. While most planners take memory incrementally, there are some who do not do it. In this case, this is not necessarily the memory peak used by the planner


Memory peak (in bytes) of the memory used by the planner during the whole planning process.


Number of plan solution files generated. While in the sequential optimal track this number shall be expected to be either 0 or 1, planners shall be expected to generate an arbitrary number of plan solution files.


Number of non-empty solution files generated. While the expected behaviour is that planners either generate plan solution files with some information or they do not, an additional check can be performed with this variable.


Number of plan solution files that have been successfully validated by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL


Time elapsed (in seconds) since the planner was started when different solutions were found. This variable can either be empty, contain a single value or an array of values.


Time elapsed (in seconds) since the planner was started when different valid solutions (validated by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL) were found. This variable can either be empty, contain a single value or an array of values.


While the planner is running, the script samples the time and memory consumption of the planner at regular intervals. This variable records the time spent (in seconds) among successive samplings —currently, samplings are performed every 5 seconds.


Memory consumption (in bytes) at each sampling as described in timelabels


Time spent (in seconds) until the first solution has been found. This value is just the first one reported in timesols and might be the same than timelastsol


Time spent (in seconds) until the last solution has been found. This value is just the last one reported in timesols and might be the same than timefirstsol


Time spent (in seconds) until the first valid solution (validated by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL) has been found. This value is just the first one reported in oktimesols and might be the same than oktimelastsol


Time spent (in seconds) until the last valid solution (validated by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL) has been found. This value is just the last one reported in oktimesols and might be the same than oktimefirstsol


This is a boolean variable that takes the value true if the planner has generated a plan solution file and false otherwise. Whether the solution is correct or not is not taken into account in this variable.


This variable that takes the value true if the planner has generated a valid solution and false otherwise. If no solution was validated, it takes the special value ?


Filenames of non-empty solution files generated by the planner for this particular case.


Filenames of non-empty valid solution files (validated by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL) generated by the planner for this particular case.


Values returned by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL for each plan that was found to be valid


Largest value returned by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL. While it is not necessarily true, this should be expected to be the first one of the values reported in values


Lowest value returned by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL. While it is not necessarily true, this should be expected to be the last one of the values reported in values


This variable is available since version 1.1. It returns a list with the number of operations in every plan validated by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL. This variable and the next two ones serve, for example, to compare the cost of the plans (which are stored in the variable values) with the number of actions in each plan.


This variable is avaliable since version 1.1. It returns the largest step length returned by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL


This variable is avaliable since version 1.1. It returns the smallest step length returned by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL

Elaborated variables

A variable is said to be elaborated if it results from some computation from raw variables. In some cases, the elaborated variables might refer solely to raw variables of a particular case but most likely they result from the computation of raw variables from different cases simulatenously.

The elaborated variables currently acknowledged by (see are summarized below:

Elaborated variables
sumruntime minruntime maxruntime
summemend minmemend maxmemend
summemmax minmemmax maxmemmax
sumnumsols oksumnumsols numprobs
numsolved oknumsolved numfails
timefails memfails unexfails
numtimefails nummemfails numunexfails
minvalue maxvalue  

Sum of the overall runtime (raw variable runtime) of a selected subset of problems


Minimum overall runtime (raw variable runtime) of a selected subset of problems


Maximum overall runtime (raw variable runtime) of a selected subset of problems


Sum of the values of the raw variable memend of a selected subset of problems


Minimum value of the raw variable memend of a selected subset of problems


Maximum value of the raw variable memend of a selected subset of problems


Sum of the values of the raw variable memmax of a selected subset of problems


Minimum value of the raw variable memmax of a selected subset of problems


Maximum value of the raw variable memmax of a selected subset of problems


Total number of solution files generated for a selected subset of planning tasks


Total number of solution files validated by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL


Total number of problems in a particular selection


Total number of problems for which at least one solution plan has been generated (which however might be invalid) among a selected subset of planning tasks


Total number of problems that have been solved with valid solutions according to the Automatic Validation Tool VAL among a selected subset of planning tasks


Total number of problems not solved for a selected subset of planning tasks


Cases where the planner reached the time bound without ever generating a single solution file, for a selected subset of planning tasks


Cases where the planner reached the memory limit without ever generating a single solution file, for a selected subset of planning tasks


Cases where the planner failed to generate at least a solution file and it terminated without reaching the time bound or the memory limit.


Number of timefails identified for a selected subset of planning tasks


Number of memfails identified for a selected subset of planning tasks


Number of unexfails identified for a selected subset of planning tasks


Minimum cost returned by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL for a selected subset of planning tasks


Maximum cost returned by the Automatic Validation Tool VAL for a selected subset of planning tasks

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